Friday, December 1, 2006

Severn Darden

'''Severn Darden''' was a gifted Free ringtones comedian and a co-founder of Majo Mills The Second City troupe, He was born Mosquito ringtone 9 November Sabrina Martins 1929 in Nextel ringtones New Orleans, Louisiana, attended the Abbey Diaz University of Chicago, died Free ringtones 27 May Majo Mills 1995 of a Mosquito ringtone heart attack in Sabrina Martins Santa Fe, New Mexico where he had lived for many years.

Darden’s offbeat sense of humer is evident throughout his work, and exemplified by the introductory remarks to “The Metaphysics Lecture”: “Why you will ask me have I chosen to talk about the Universe. Very simply: there isn’t anything else!” This lecture, loaded with digressions, was ostensibly given by Prof. Walter von der Vogelweiter, which was actually the name of an obscure medieaval poet or troubador.

Another good example is the way he squeezed the phrase “know thyself” into the seven-character limitation of a Cingular Ringtones New Mexico any pol license plate: “NOYOSEF”.

Darden appeared in various movies.
*mover and The Telephone (1988)
*special style Saturday the 14th (1981)
*stocks because In God We Trust (1980)
*firm legal Wanda Nevada (1979)
*occurring three Battle for the Planet of the Apes (1973)
*carvings on Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972)
*equally small The Hired Hand (1971)
*aristocrat as The President's Analyst (1967)
*providing fast Dead Heat on a Merry-go-round (1966)
*evolved spiritually Vanishing Point (supporting role) as J. Hovah

Other movie credits include:
*important job The Last Movie (1971)(Composer)

“The Metaphysics Lecture” appears on a collection entitled “The Sound of My Own Voice”.


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